Monday, August 27, 2007

Menu for Aug 27 to 31 '07

Monday- Tacos-Southwest Bean Salad-Mango Slices
Tuesday-Quick Lemon Past with Chicken-Sugar Peas-Frozen Grapes
Wednesday-Stir Fry- Rice-Foutun Cookies
Thusday- Chicken Packet-Spinach Salad-Frozen Fruit Salad
Friday- Chicken Ceasar Salad-Dinner Rolls-leftover Fruit Salad
Saturday- C.O.R.N
Saturday- Freezer Meal

Menu Taken from MenusforMoms -

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Sounds like a good plan. I'm new to MPM, but have been doing menu planning off and on for a couple years. Just wanted to stop by and say hi.

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